
Why information management is becoming increasingly important for employees

In companies, more and more employees are sitting at their computers and becoming so-called knowledge workers. These are employees who generate added value not through physical work, but through intellectual work. For these employees, it is elementary to be able to access the company’s know-how quickly and efficiently in order to generate corresponding added value.

Effective Knowledge Management for Modern Businesses

As the business world becomes increasingly digital, the need for effective knowledge management grows. With employees staying at companies for shorter periods of time and the experienced baby boomer generation beginning to retire, it is more important than ever to ensure that important information and knowledge is not lost. This means making sure that the right information is available to the right people at the right time, which can be a challenging task given the number of data silos that exist within modern companies. These silos, which can include everything from email inboxes and network drives to CRM and ERP systems, often store information in a decentralized manner, making it difficult for employees to find what they need.

Improve Workflows: Capture Research Time Efficiently

Every employee knows how much time they waste every day researching internal information. In management, this is a topic that is only noticed to a limited extent – the employees are there anyway. Yet virtually every employee asks himself the following questions when looking for internal information:
1. Where should I start looking?
2. Which wording can I use best?
3. Whom can I ask for support?

What is unstructured data? — Different types of data

Data is an essential component of modern society, especially for companies and its employees, as it allows us to make informed decisions, understand complex systems, and learn from the past. There are many different forms of data, each with their own unique characteristics and uses.

Minimize business risk by providing information

Data growth has never been as fast as it is today, and technologies have never developed as quickly as they do today. In addition, new working models through New Work require a new approach and handling of knowledge and data by companies and employees.

12 Enterprise Search Use Cases Delivering Business Value

Learn how an enterprise search engine can help you too.
An enterprise search is an internal search engine used by companies to provide their employees with quick access to important information and data. It searches various data sources within a company, such as document management systems, customer and employee databases and project management tools. In today’s digital world, where companies are collecting and storing more and more data, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the relevant information quickly.

Driving Business Success with Better Information Management

Companies should regularly review and potentially adjust their culture and knowledge-sharing practices. To achieve this shift, employees must be motivated to think as a whole, see themselves as content creators and enablers, and share their resources and knowledge openly. Additionally, leadership must establish and reinforce the importance of knowledge sharing, and create a system for storing and organizing information that is easy to use and accessible to all.

What does the future of information management look like?

On November 3, our co-founder Bastian Maiworm gave a keynote on the information management of the future at the Digital FUTUREcongress in Essen.
His view of things:
Due to the fact that data is growing exponentially and the amount of data silos tends to increase, it is becoming more and more confusing and difficult for employees to access information quickly. Therefore, in the future, there will be a higher-level instance that suggests the relevant information to the employee at the right time.