
What should you choose an enterprise search by?

The introduction of an enterprise search requirement no longer has to be a large and comprehensive project as it used to be, but can be much leaner nowadays. In order not to have unintentionally complex implementations or technologically outdated solutions afterwards, a careful selection of the right providers is required. In order to clearly outline the requirements, we have compiled a short list to help with the selection of an enterprise search.

Best Practices User Onboarding Enterprise Search

Over the years, we have built up expertise in the field of enterprise search and have identified recurring patterns over the course of various projects. In order to share our best practices with companies implementing enterprise search, we have written this blog article. Our learnings are mostly from onboarding with SMEs and can of course vary per company/industry. While our best practices are not universal, they are a good guide to what things to consider.

What resources does the implementation of an Enterprise Search require?

Much has changed in recent years due to a change in technology. The introduction of an enterprise search is – provided one uses standard software – not a huge project. In the following, various resources are therefore discussed and, where possible, a realistic estimate of the resources required is given.

What is an Enterprise Search?

An Enterprise Search is a software that enables employees to easily find company internal information. Read more about the technical challenges and use cases of an enterprise search

amberAI – ChatGPT for corporate use cases

Few technologies have generated as much hype in recent years as ChatGPT from OpenAI. We have also noticed this and know that many companies are asking themselves how they can also profit from GPT technology. But what many realise relatively quickly: ChatGPT has its limits and is only trained with public data until 2021. But: […]

Digital transformation in R&D departments: How AI-based solutions can help

Few departments in companies are as knowledge-intensive as the R&D department. And unlike other departments, knowledge in R&D does not expire, but must be used again and again. This is especially true for companies where know-how is the most important asset. At the same time, R&D departments mostly have the same problems. They too are […]

Cloud vs. on-premise solutions – advantages and disadvantages

Enterprise software can be installed either on-premise or in the cloud. This article explains what consequences this has. In order to understand the added value of the respective solution, you first need to know what exactly is hidden behind the two options.
According to a Statista survey, 82% of all companies surveyed in 2020 said they were already using either private or public cloud solutions. As the current trend is for more and more software solutions to be offered in the cloud, this article takes a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of cloud and on-premise solutions.