
Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning – Understanding the Differences

Deep Learning and Machine Learning are two important technologies in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and thus part of the umbrella term Data Science. Although they are sometimes used as synonyms, there are important differences between the two to understand.

Learn about use cases as well as the difference between the two AI technologies

Deep Learning and Machine Learning are two important technologies in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and thus part of the umbrella term Data Science. Although they are sometimes used as synonyms, there are important differences between the two to understand.

The history of deep learning and machine learning dates back to the 1950s, when scientists were looking at developing computers that were capable of making decisions and solving problems. The idea was that computers could learn by analyzing data and acting on patterns and rules.
What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (or machine learning, ML) is a technology that allows computers to learn and improve automatically without being explicitly programmed. It uses algorithms that learn and improve based on experience. Machine Learning is often used to solve problems where it is difficult to define complex rules. Machine Learning can then be used to make informed decisions.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a technology built on Machine Learning that is particularly well suited for processing large amounts of data. As such, Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning. Deep Learning uses artificial neural networks to recognize patterns and relationships in data. The networks are divided into different layers, which enables them to solve complex problems. Deep Learning is often used to analyze images and videos and extract information from them. Unlike machine learning, where developers often intervene to make adjustments, in Deep Learning the algorithms themselves decide whether decisions are correct.


So there is an important difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning: Deep Learning uses neural networks, while Machine Learning is based on other algorithms. Deep Learning is particularly well suited for processing large amounts of data, while Machine Learning is better suited when it comes to defining complex rules.

Application areas

In the following, we will discuss various application areas of the technologies. Of course, this list is not exhaustive and can be extended accordingly.

Some use cases of Machine Learning are:

  1. Classification of data: Machine learning models can be used to divide data into specific categories by identifying patterns and relationships in the data. For example, this can be used to predict outcomes, such as predicting customer behavior or predicting weather conditions.
  2. Regression: machine learning models can be used to explore the relationship between different variables and make predictions about the future. For example, this can be used to predict house prices or stock prices.
  3. Clustering: Machine Learning models can be used to divide data into groups that share similar characteristics. This can be used, for example, to analyze customer behavior or social networks.

Use cases of Deep Learning are:

  1. Image recognition: Deep Learning models can be used to analyze images and extract information from them. This can be used, for example, to analyze satellite images or to recognize objects in images. A concrete example where Deep Learning is applied is for example the use in image search of corporate search engines
  2. Speech recognition: Deep Learning models can be used to analyze human speech and extract information from it. This can be used, for example, to create voice assistants or to translate speech. These are now used in various systems such as smartphones.
  3. Prediction of markets: Deep Learning models can be used to identify patterns and relationships in large amounts of market data and make predictions about the future. This can be used, for example, to predict stock prices or currency rates.

It is important to note that Deep Learning and Machine Learning are not always distinct and that they are often used in combination. For example, Machine Learning can be used to define rules for Deep Learning models, while Deep Learning is then able to recognize patterns and relationships based on these rules and the processed data.

Looking at the current state of the art, it is obvious that Deep Learning has made tremendous progress in recent years. For example, Deep Learning models have outperformed Machine Learning models in many areas, especially in processing large amounts of unstructured data such as images and videos. This includes, for example, Natural Language Processing or content-generating AI.

An outlook

A lot will change in these areas in the coming years. On the one hand, the models will become stronger and faster, and on the other hand, they will become accessible to more and more companies. This will enable completely new business models and will force some industries to change.

Conclusion and summary

Deep Learning and Machine Learning are important technologies in the world of AI that are used in various fields. Deep Learning uses neural networks to identify patterns and relationships in large amounts of data, while Machine Learning relies on algorithms to define complex rules. In the future, Deep Learning and Machine Learning may become even more advanced and capable of solving even more complex problems.

This article was first published on MoreThanDigital.Info and can be read here.