
Enhancing Business Efficiency by Processing Unstructured Data

New enterprise search engines are making it easier for companies to make unstructured knowledge more accessible and usable for employees. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology has advanced significantly in recent years, thanks to large transformer models, which allow companies to process unstructured knowledge in new ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the use of digital collaboration tools, increasing the number of data silos and the amount of documented knowledge, often in unstructured forms such as text, image, audio, or video formats. As the proportion of employees working from home increases, it is becoming more difficult for employees to ask colleagues for information.

The full article first appeared on MoreThanDigital.Info. You can read it in full here.

Making knowledge accessible to all employees — made possible by new enterprise search engines in companies.

New enterprise search engines are making it easier for companies to make unstructured knowledge more accessible and usable for employees. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology has advanced significantly in recent years, thanks to large transformer models, which allow companies to process unstructured knowledge in new ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the use of digital collaboration tools, increasing the number of data silos and the amount of documented knowledge, often in unstructured forms such as text, image, audio, or video formats. As the proportion of employees working from home increases, it is becoming more difficult for employees to ask colleagues for information.

Often, knowledge is not just stored in employees’ heads but is also digitalized in various software solutions. Enterprise search engines aim to provide the correct information from multiple data sources within a company. NLP technology can now be used to process unstructured data formats, allowing enterprise search engines to provide a user experience similar to that of internet search engines. This allows companies to reduce the time and cost associated with searching for information, as well as reduce the duplication of documents and other materials.

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