Building on trusted, German solutions

amberSearch was developed by experts with a focus on data protection. As a German company, data protection is our highest priority.

Data securely stored in german data centers
Secure cloud storage

Transfer of access rights


  • Connection via SSO or AD
  • Permanent synchronisation, thus no duplicate user management
  • State-of-the-art log-in methods

Hosting in Germany


  • Hosting (for Managed SaaS variant) with our partner Telekom (Open Telekom Cloud)
  • Hosting on ISO27001 certified servers
  • Quality standards according to German guidelines
Data securely stored in german data centers
Secure cloud storage

Meets the highest industry standards


  • Designed to meet the highest security standards such as DSGVO
  • State-of-the-art encryption techniques & access controls
  • Future-proof through continuous development

Leading companies love amberSearch

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Explore other amazing features of amberSearch

amberSearch supports image search

Image Search

Find images based on content. Tagging, labelling & Co are no longer necessary, our AI takes care of that.

Efficiently search for 3D models


Chat with your internal information

amberGPT finds the data relevant to you


Die Intelligenz von GPT-Modellen mit dem Know-How deines Unternehmens – Ohne nachtrainieren

Read interesting posts on this topic

How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

Many companies need and want to gain experience with generative AI. The introduction of generative AI is therefore on the roadmap of many companies. This blog article is about how to successfully combine in-house expertise with generative AI – within a secure and GDPR-compliant framework – and what to look out for. The introduction of generative AI is not as complex as it first appears.


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