Driving innovation & efficiency

Enable your team to use existing know-how instead of having to acquire it again.

Increase efficiency and reduce costs
Increase your efficiency

Accelerate product development


  • Get important documents, technical drawings and research data faster without having to ask your teammates first.
  • Share knowledge to move projects forward faster
  • Extensive access to global internal knowledge supports the development of innovative solutions to maintain and extend the lead over the competition.

Optimise information flows


  • Find existing know-how and build on it instead of developing them from scratch
  • Easily access best practices to efficiently reuse learnings already made
  • Understand exactly what your colleagues are working on and what content exists on a particular topic
amberSearch searches not only text
Increase satisfaction using amberSearch

Focus on user experience


  • Adopt the UX of internet-based search engines to make familiarisation as easy as possible
  • Easy access to know-how even in heterogeneous IT landscapes
  • Multimedia: also find e-mails, team chats, pictures, etc.

Leading companies love amberSearch

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amberSearch accesses all your data sources


Build & communicate more efficiently.

Increase your efficiency


Solve the most urgent problems faster.

Erhöhe die Effizienz deines Teams und reduziere Kosten


Optimised knowledge management for consultants.

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