Close more deals faster

Prepare better for meetings to build better client relationships faster!

Increase your efficiency
amberSearch accesses all your data sources

Effective sales information and resources


  • Quickly prepare for appointments – get a 360° view to understand issues and shorten sales cycles
  • Aggregate quotes, price lists, product information, sales presentations and customer information to allow staff to focus on closing
  • Get relevant references and use cases for your customers

Increase communication and collaboration


  • Get all available information about a customer and navigate from there
  • Promote internal best practice models by sharing experiences and successful sales tactics among team members.
  • Integrate remote or remote sales teams by providing them with easy access to the resources they need.
amberSearch supports collaboration in files
Increase satisfaction using amberSearch

Deliver relevant content to your customers


  • Answer the questions that need to be answered
  • Deliver the pitch decks, certificates and plans your clients need
  • Find ROI calculations and inspiration from past projects to convince your clients

Leading companies love amberSearch

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Explore other amazing use-cases of amberSearch

Crosslingual search

International Teams

amberSearch supports collaboration in files

Customer Service

Solve your customers’ problems faster.

Erhöhe die Effizienz deines Teams und reduziere Kosten

Mechanical Engineering

Driving innovation & efficiency.

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