12 fascinating generative AI examples for companies

Here are 12 cool generative AI examples of how companies are already using the new technology today to change their industry and the entire world of work. You’ll be amazed at what AI can do, from improving processes to creating entirely new business ideas! 1. Intelligent Enterprise Search Imagine being able to find any information in your […]
Why an enterprise search is the most sensible basis for any AI system in a company

Enterprise search is necessary to integrate AI into company processes in the long term. This article explains the role of enterprise search.
AI for Engineers: How SSP AG masters its data volumes with amberSearch

Digitalisation is a way of life at SSP AG. One of the measures: making internal expertise accessible with the help of generative AI. Read this article to find out how SSP has realised this challenge.
Data harmonisation after company mergers: How amberSearch helps the ENTECCOgroup

When companies join forces to grow together, this often leads to various challenges. Find out now how the ENTECCOgroup overcomes these challenges with amberSearch.
What is generative AI: knowledge transfer through the intelligent combination of technology and existing data silos

Use generative AI to break down internal data silos. Find out how it works with an AI search here!
What are you waiting for – are you still searching or have you already started finding?

30 minutes a day – that’s how much time employees spend on internal searches. But you can easily save 40% or more of this time. We’ll show you how!
Best practice incl. example: How companies define an AI use case

Learn how to define an AI use case for your own company with our best practice using a concrete example.
Identifying and prioritising AI use cases in companies

Learn how to easily identify and prioritise AI use cases with the help of 2 frameworks
New Work with AI – simply think differently!

New Work with AI enables a completely new mindset in the company. We explain what companies need to know
AI introduction checklist – your guide to successfully implementing generative AI in your company

This AI introduction checklist reveals exactly what needs to be considered when introducing an AI solution!