3D models say more than 1.000 words

Find everything you need to design

Efficiently search for 3D models
Filter images based on type, source, date and more

Visually stunning and accurate search


  • Find comparable models based on their geometric shape, structure and complexity
  • Use meta data to specify your search
  • Use advanced filtering options to further narrow the search

Efficiently manage and organise 3D models


  • Find similar models so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Discover relationships between similar models
  • Find and compare different versions of 3D models
Gain an advantage over your competition with optimised document administration
Increase your efficiency

Save time and improve collaboration


  • Find the 3D models you need in seconds without wasting time on tedious searches.
  • Collaborate with other teams to get the most out of 3D model development.
  • Launch products faster by enabling your team to collaborate better and stay up to date.

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amberGPT finds the data relevant to you


Die Intelligenz von GPT-Modellen mit dem Know-How deines Unternehmens – Ohne nachtrainieren

amberSearch searches not only text

File Formats

Search more than just text. With amberSearch you can also find images, 3D models and more!

amberSearch accesses all your data sources


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How to introduce generative AI in companies – What should you look out for and what makes the introduction successful?

How to introduce generative AI in companies – What should you look out for and what makes the introduction successful?

Many companies need and want to gain experience with generative AI. The introduction of generative AI is therefore on the roadmap of many companies. This blog article is about how to successfully combine in-house expertise with generative AI – within a secure and GDPR-compliant framework – and what to look out for. The introduction of generative AI is not as complex as it first appears.


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