Search more than just text

With amberSearch you can also find images, 3D models and more!

amberSearch searches not only text
amberSearch accesses all your data sources

Our working world is becoming more multimedia


  • With amberSearch you can also search the contents of images, 3D models and in the future also videos and audio files. Of course we also find normal office files.
  • Find everything in one place – no matter what format the information is in
  • Our intelligence also finds hidden details in your documents

Recognise scanned text


  • Find content from scanned PDFs with amberSearch’s OCR feature
  • Find text on images
  • Lightning fast analysis of your content within fractions of a second
amberSearch recognises scanned text
amberSearch supports collaboration in files

Collaborative file formats


  • Whether email, teams or intranet content – amberSearch will find the information you need
  • DSGVO compliant and considering access rights
  • Always stay up to date

Leading companies love amberSearch

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Explore other amazing features of amberSearch

amberSearch kombiniert all deine Datenquellen


Wir denken Integrationen aus zwei Richtungen. 

Data securely stored in german data centers


Building on trusted, German solutions amberSearch was developed by experts with a focus on data protection.

amberSearch supports image search

Image Search

Find images based on content. Tagging, labelling & Co are no longer necessary, our AI takes care of that.

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How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

Many companies need and want to gain experience with generative AI. The introduction of generative AI is therefore on the roadmap of many companies. This blog article is about how to successfully combine in-house expertise with generative AI – within a secure and GDPR-compliant framework – and what to look out for. The introduction of generative AI is not as complex as it first appears.

One copilot to rule them all

One copilot to rule them all

In the future, intelligent AI assistants will make our everyday work easier in certain situations. However, it is important to have the right co-pilot in use, namely one that works across all systems. The problem with most assistance system providers is that the assistance is limited exclusively to their own systems. This blog article shows how it can be done better.


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