
Mastering Information Management in IT: A Strategic Approach

Discover how modern information management with “amberSearch” revolutionises efficiency for IT managers through the intelligent combination of enterprise search and AI. Gain access to decentralised systems and improve information discoverability to navigate the dynamic business world with confidence. Increase productivity and control information chaos thanks to this powerful solution.

Private AI – Should you train Large Language Models with your own data?

Learn how private AI is changing the way we use AI models. Discover how the practice of private AI makes it possible to train algorithms using only your own data to create customised solutions for your business. Learn more about the benefits of this approach and how it helps preserve a proprietary knowledge base that your competitors cannot benefit from. Read on to understand the concept of private AI in detail and how it differs from public AI models.

Integrating modern AI systems into grown IT landscapes

Integrating modern AI systems into evolved IT landscapesThe integration of modern AI systems into evolved IT landscapes is a challenge that many companies are dealing with today. The development of artificial intelligence is progressing ever faster. German SMEs in particular have to make sure they don’t miss the boat when it comes to digitalisation. There […]

Best Practices User Onboarding Enterprise Search

Over the years, we have built up expertise in the field of enterprise search and have identified recurring patterns over the course of various projects. In order to share our best practices with companies implementing enterprise search, we have written this blog article. Our learnings are mostly from onboarding with SMEs and can of course vary per company/industry. While our best practices are not universal, they are a good guide to what things to consider.

What is an Enterprise Search?

An Enterprise Search is a software that enables employees to easily find company internal information. Read more about the technical challenges and use cases of an enterprise search

Digital transformation in R&D departments: How AI-based solutions can help

Few departments in companies are as knowledge-intensive as the R&D department. And unlike other departments, knowledge in R&D does not expire, but must be used again and again. This is especially true for companies where know-how is the most important asset. At the same time, R&D departments mostly have the same problems. They too are […]

Cloud vs. on-premise solutions – advantages and disadvantages

Enterprise software can be installed either on-premise or in the cloud. This article explains what consequences this has. In order to understand the added value of the respective solution, you first need to know what exactly is hidden behind the two options.
According to a Statista survey, 82% of all companies surveyed in 2020 said they were already using either private or public cloud solutions. As the current trend is for more and more software solutions to be offered in the cloud, this article takes a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of cloud and on-premise solutions.

Why information management is becoming increasingly important for employees

In companies, more and more employees are sitting at their computers and becoming so-called knowledge workers. These are employees who generate added value not through physical work, but through intellectual work. For these employees, it is elementary to be able to access the company’s know-how quickly and efficiently in order to generate corresponding added value.