AI introduction checklist – your guide to successfully implementing generative AI in your company

AI introduction checklist – your guide to successfully implementing generative AI in your company

The AI introduction checklist helps companies to successfully organise AI projects. In most cases, AI projects either arise from the needs of a specialist department or are driven by the IT department or management. Since 2022, the topic of generative AI in particular...
How to introduce generative AI in companies – What should you look out for and what makes the introduction successful?

How to introduce generative AI in companies – What should you look out for and what makes the introduction successful?

Many companies need and want to gain experience with generative AI. However, tools from the internet quickly reach their limits – they are too general and not sufficiently adapted to the context and challenges of the company. Nevertheless, the tools available...
Technical foundations for the introduction of generative AI in companies

Technical foundations for the introduction of generative AI in companies

Companies have now realised that AI will have a lasting impact on business life. However, as quickly as the technology arrived, companies often lack the expertise and understanding of the technology to set realistic expectations. This blog article provides an insight...
One copilot to rule them all

One copilot to rule them all

Generative AI will be an integral part of our everyday lives in the future and companies are already looking at how they can use generative AI sustainably within their organisation. The simplest use case for generative AI in a company is a classic assistant that helps...
What is Retrieval Augmented Generation and how does amberSearch use this technology?

What is Retrieval Augmented Generation and how does amberSearch use this technology?

Retrieval Augmented Generation is a powerful new NLP technique for enterprise search applications that solves many of the challenges that classic generative large language models (LLMs) have. Companies sense that generative AI is not building hype, but that generative...
What should you choose an enterprise search by?

What should you choose an enterprise search by?

The introduction of an enterprise search requirement no longer has to be a large and comprehensive project as it used to be, but can be much leaner nowadays. In order not to have unintentionally complex implementations or technologically outdated solutions afterwards,...