On November 3, our co-founder Bastian Maiworm gave a keynote on the information management of the future at the Digital FUTUREcongress in Essen.
His view of things:
Due to the fact that data is growing exponentially and the amount of data silos tends to increase, it is becoming more and more confusing and difficult for employees to access information quickly. Therefore, in the future, there will be a higher-level instance that suggests the relevant information to the employee at the right time.
Generative AI and its use in the company
On our blog, you will find all the information you need on AI and its use in the company. From technical explanations and references to strategic topics, our blog highlights everything that is relevant to the use of AI in the company and contributes to decision-making.
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Ambersearch is one of the most promising German AI Start-Ups
Every year, the applied.ai initiative, as part of UnternehmerTUM, honors the most promising German Start Ups through several partners. For this purpose, applied.ai has teamed up with strong partners such as innovators and enablers to evaluate the German start up landscape. This jury includes NVIDIA, Google and nine venture capitalists: (Digital+ Partners, Earlybird Capital, eCAPITAL, High-Tech Founder Funds, HV Holtzbrinck Ventures, Lakestar, UVC, La Famiglia and Asgard).
New product video amberSearch
As part of a rebranding process, we decided to give even more importance to the core of our existence, namely the intuitive finding of the right information in the company. In a first step we developed a new product video, which is branded with amberSearch.
Learning from the Internet — How AI Simplifies Corporate Searches
Search engines on the Internet have been around for a long time. In 1998, the concept behind Google was introduced by graduates of Stanford University. Today, in addition to the top dog Google, there are other providers such as Bing and DuckDuckGo. Without them, the Internet would probably be an impenetrable jungle for most people.
amberSearch NRW Nomination for Administrative Challenge
Access to the right information and who collaborates with whom is not just an issue that affects companies. It also affects state governments and administrations. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia, in cooperation with the company PD, has therefore issued a call for tenders to startups for the administration’s biggest challenges.
RAG AI Integration: Transforming Data Management
Hard Coal mining in Germany is history, but the expert knowledge from 150 years should remain. But how can information hidden in millions of documents on numerous servers be made efficiently usable? To solve this problem, RAG is relying on technical innovation and artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock valuable knowledge for employees and make it easily accessible. The company is receiving support from Aachen-based start-up amberSearch (formerly ambeRoad), which is designed to take the company-wide search engine to the next level.
amberSearch: Revolutionize Your Data Search
Imagine a search engine that is as easy to use as Google and can search your internal company data for content and advanced search features.
Is this what you want?
Then you should definitely watch the new interview in our founder series, because that’s what Dr. Thomas M. Fischer talks about with Bastian Maiworm and Julian Johannes Reinauer.
Engineering Solutions by Müller Maschinentechnik
The statistics show it: Accessing the right information in the company is increasingly difficult. For example, every third search in the company already takes between 5 and 25 minutes. What’s more, in 67.5% of all cases it takes at least 3 searches to find the right information. This trend is not only felt by large companies with thousands of employees, but also by medium-sized companies with dozens or hundreds of employees. The reasons for this are trivial: rapidly increasing data volumes, employee fluctuations and an increased number of options for storing information.
Using data from 150 years of coal mining for the tasks of the future
Search engines like Google and others show the way: Enter keywords or a short question and the result you are looking for is there. The “KISS42” project promises the answer to all operational questions for RAG. In cooperation with an interdisciplinary RAG team, the start-up amberSearch from Aachen developed the intelligent search engine amberSearch — designed for the specific data and requirements of the company. It not only helps to make research in RAG’s documents efficient for employees, but above all to make the archived knowledge from 150 years of coal mining usable for current operational tasks.
amberSearch exceeds Siemens Energy’s expectations in the Digital Info Management Challenge
At RuhrSummit 2020, amberSearch won the Digital Info Management Challenge by Siemens Energy. After RAG, this is the second major customer for the fast-growing startup amberSearch.
Giving young engineers and new employees the right access to your knowledge
When senior engineers leave the company and young engineers have to take over their places, you need to make sure they are productive as quickly as possible and don’t stop each other from working by having to ask questions.
Bringing the Google Search Experience into your company
Search in a digital environment exists pretty much since data bases have been developed. However, data bases only cover structured data. Vast amounts of data in companies are stored in an unstructured form. Unstructured data needs far more complex software to process the data.
Why Google finds everything, but your companies’ enterprise search engine barely finds anything
With Enterprise Search being a quickly growing enterprise software segment, a lot of people ask us at ambeRoad how enterprise search differentiates from web search. That’s why we have taken the time to outline the main technological differences.
The biggest asset of your company — using Knowledge Management to make use of all data
Maybe you have been in that situation before — you are looking for one specific piece of information within your company. You know its there as you — or your colleague — just created that information a few months ago. But you just don’t know where exactly you saved it.