Generative AI and its use in the company

On our blog, you will find all the information you need on AI and its use in the company. From technical explanations and references to strategic topics, our blog highlights everything that is relevant to the use of AI in the company and contributes to decision-making.

Best practice incl. example: How companies define an AI use case

Best practice incl. example: How companies define an AI use case

Learn how to define an AI use case for your own company with our best practice using a concrete example.

AI introduction checklist – your guide to successfully implementing generative AI in your company

AI introduction checklist – your guide to successfully implementing generative AI in your company

This AI introduction checklist reveals exactly what needs to be considered when introducing an AI solution!

7 tips for defining and implementing an AI strategy for companies

7 tips for defining and implementing an AI strategy for companies

This blog post uses our best practices to explain to companies which aspects a sustainable AI strategy requires.

What is generative Multi-Hop Q&A?

What is generative Multi-Hop Q&A?

Multi-hop question answering (multi-hop Q&A) is a method for generating better quality answers in the field of generative AI applications. As a further expansion stage of a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system, the aim is to consider all aspects of the prompt as far as possible before an answer is generated. This blog article explains this technique.

How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

How to Ensure Successful Generative AI Integration in Your Company

Many companies need and want to gain experience with generative AI. The introduction of generative AI is therefore on the roadmap of many companies. This blog article is about how to successfully combine in-house expertise with generative AI – within a secure and GDPR-compliant framework – and what to look out for. The introduction of generative AI is not as complex as it first appears.

Technical foundations for the introduction of generative AI in companies

Technical foundations for the introduction of generative AI in companies

Learn all the technical basics you need now if you want to use generative AI in your company.

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