Browse through your company’s internal data as you know it from the internet

Benefit from the added value of modern technology with little effort and work with Europe’s leading AI-based Enterprise Search.

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amberSearch accesses all your data sources

Less frustration at work


  • Instead of jumping from data silo to data silo, start your research with us and we will guide you to the target system
  • Work with a standard system and quickly enjoy added value without having to start complex projects first
  • Find all information in one place – and reach this place from various points in your digital landscape

Intuitive, efficient & user-friendly


  • You know the design of our interfaces from tools you already use. This makes it even easier for you & your team to use them.
  • Intelligent & context-based: All relevant information is just one search query away
  • Search not only text but also multimedia content such as images, 3D models & more
amberSearch supports collaboration in files
Increase your efficiency

Focus on value-adding activities


  • Gone are the days when you have to search yourself or ask your colleagues for help. Save up to 40% of your search time by relying on amberSearch.
  • Use our generating AI models to write texts based on your company’s know-how.
  • Become more efficient with your team and get more done in less time

Leading companies love amberSearch

Want to know more?

Explore other amazing use-cases of amberSearch

Secure cloud storage

Finding duplicates

Free your company from duplicates.

amberSearch searches not only text

File Formats

Search more than just text. With amberSearch you can also find images, 3D models and more!

amberSearch supports collaboration in files

Sharing information

Simplify your communication.

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