Frequently Asked Questions

What is amberSearch?

amberSearch is a productivity tool, that enables your employees to become more efficient and faster when it comes to knowledge work. amberSearch brings the user experience known from internet search applications to your company. For us a great user experience comes first as we believe in the power user satisfaction.

How do you handle access rights?

We take over existing access rights and connect amberSearch with the Single Sign On (SSO) or Active Directory. If something changes in the user’s access rights, this is transferred to amberSearch. This way, everyone only finds information to which they really have access.

How do you deal with data privacy?

As a German company data privacy is at the bottom of our hearts. For every piece of information we respect existing access rights and only host it on GDPR-compliant and certified Servers in Germany. Furthermore, we have different measures in place to guarantee the security of your data. For further information please reach out to us.

What kind of information can be processed?

Our technology is capable of processing almost any type of unstructured and structured business information such as: documents, emails, blog- and intranet entries, DMS- and CRM entries or chat messages. With the latest enhancements of our software, we also find multimedia content such as images, videos and audiofiles.

What does amberSearch cost?

We believe that great products speak for themselves. That’s why we have developed an online demo that allows everyone to test amberSearch. We are happy to personalise it with your data – just contact us.

Then we can quote you prices tailored to your needs.

How does amberSearch work?

Unlike other search tools that only search documents relying mainly on metadata (and therefore requiring extensive filtering), amberSearch intelligently finds document content. We use context, file formats and language to show our users the context that is most relevant to them. We find information not only in text documents, but also in file types such as images or 3D models.

How is your AI trained?

When setting amberSearch up, you can get started directly. No need to train the models – this has already been done before for you. This just helps you to quickly get started without needing weeks or even months of preparations.

Which systems can be searched by amberSearch?

amberSearch currently supports over 30 systems out-of-the-box. This list is constantly expanding. These include M365, Confluence, Jira, network drives, Salesforce, Gitlab, Haiilo, Staffbase, d.velop, Nextcloud and others.

How long does it take to set amberSearch up?

Getting started with amberSearch is very easy. Within two hours, amberSearch is technically set up. This can be done by your IT administrators and does not require any external consultants or services. From there we index – depending on the amount of data – for a few days. Then amberSearch is ready for use. On our support page you can get a feel for the technical set-up.

Does amberSearch offer its own interface?

Yes, amberSearch offers its own interface through which custom data sources and company data can also be integrated into amberSearch. Furthermore, we offer options like our TeamsApp, Iframeintegration & Co to embed amberSearch into other systems.

What is the difference between ambeRoad and amberSearch?

ambeRoad is the name of the company, amberSearch is the name of our product.


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Reduce the frustration caused by bad information management for your company.