Our Mission

Target Team Work amberSearch

To reduce the amount of double-work

We experienced the pain of having done the same work that has already been done within an organization. Not only is it frustrating for one, but it stops us reaching for the stars.

To enable modern organizations to become more efficient

In modern organizations employees work independently of time and colleagues. We believe in asynchronus working ourselves and know, how important it is to be able to access information without constantly having to asks colleagues.

To increase employee and ultimately customer satisfaction

Its becoming tougher to keep your great team at your company. Make their working life as easy as possible, so they stay with you for as long as possible. This will enable you to become even better and faster at what you do and ultimately increase customer satisfaction.

To save time, your nerves and money

In a busy world you would want to be as efficient as possible. Use amberSearch as the most simple and intuitive way to get your team and your organization there.

Who is behind amberSearch?

By now, a 15-member team is working on making internal information quickly and easily accessible. Together, we now look after several dozens of customers. amberSearch was founded by:

Foto von Philipp Reißel

Philipp Reißel

As the CEO, Philipp is in charge of connecting the markets to the development team. Besides that he is chief advocate for new technologies both for our product but also create an organization that is ahead of it’s time.

Bastian Maiworm

Bastian connects the start up and the enterprise world. As the CRO, he is responsible for all marketing and sales activities. When we think about tomorrow, he is already thinking about the day after.

Foto von Bastian Maiworm
Igli Manaj

Igli Manaj

Igli makes sure that the search engine of tomorrow is delivered to our customers today. As the CTO, he is in charge of coordinating the highly motivated techies and takes care of the right architectural choices.

“With amberSearch we enable employees to access information as fast as never before. We do this, so our customers become modern and efficient organizations that can focus on their main business whilst we take care of the provision of information.”

– Philipp Reißel, Co-Founder

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